Dear Bridie

We have a new nick name for you, "old Darling".
With your beautiful old soul and delicate heart you are our one and only "old darling".
Under our trillion stars you pave your own path and fly.

Yesterday you asked if you could help your Dad work, and so you did. You put on your boots and walked two houses down to help wet seal a bathroom, which you love to do as it is painting and the stickiest green stuff in the world. Anything that gets you dirty and messy, you are there.
I let you be for a while and when Balun and I arrived, we noticed that you had painted the ceiling and light switches and Craig was quickly trying to clean the switches as it dries so quickly.
Craig rolling his eyes with wonder how you managed to do this with him in the same room.
I suggested we all leave Craig for a bit and took off to the dog park for a bit.
You had Rusty under your arm, wet seal all over your arms, face and school uniform.
We returned about an hour later.
You asked if I could stop so you could check on Dad.
I pulled up and as you jumped out of the car I said, " don't let Rusty out".
Rusty and you both ran into the house.
Balun was slowly hoping out and telling me a story and then I look up to see you standing on the steps of the house saying, "Dad I have a surprise for you".
Craig was washing out the brushes and you said, " I don't think you should wash those out just yet, Dad".
Craig asked if you had walked through the wet seal and you replied, "no, I just have a surprise for you".
This went on a couple of times...
Craig finished washing a brush and walked in, he did not return.
I rounded Rusty up, dropped him home and returned to find you both scrubbing the floor as Rusty and you had walked through the wet seal and left footprints over the wooden floor and down the steps of a clients house.
Craig just sighed.

You are a little darling......


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