We lost a dear friend recently but saying goodbye to her was such a delicate, spiritual and peaceful experience.
Her daughter Chrissy, arranged a traditional aboriginal ceremony to set her spirit free. Words cannot describe the calmness and love in that room.
The music that came from the didgeridoo was lovely and the words spoken were so thoughtful.
We were asked if we would like to view our dear friend and I immediately thought no.
Phil's daughter Chrissy spoke directly to Bridie to see if she would like to say goodbye and view Phil. My heart fluttered and I felt a little overwhelmed. I looked at Craig thinking no, that is too much for a little girl to see, I waited for Bridies response and with no hesitation she said yes.
Chrissy and Bridie walked over to Phil together and looked at our Phil.
Chrissy and Bridie walked over to Phil together and looked at our Phil.
I followed my daughters footsteps and breathed in some of that courage.
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