My world
Lots of people have told me when you have a third baby your much busier and it's harder and life changes.
So for me I was thinking about the changes in my life since our beautiful Narah has come into our world....
those Cuddles in the morning,
pushing a pram with a beautiful little soul inside, watching Bal and Bridie touch, talk and hold Narah, just feeling happy and that beautiful feeling of Wondering!
Wondering about these children all the time and who they are, what they will become, what they are touched by, hurt by.....and most of all having Craig by my side and our journey together with our children.
More Love has come into my world since having Narah. He is not a numer to me or a change, or a busier thing.
He is beautiful and meant to be here.
Although at times I can be a little time poor, or don't have dinner cooked or a little tired, or late or let's just stay home from school today or searching for clothes from the large washing pile, or running out of toilet paper or forgetting ingredients I specifically went to the shop for, or all piled in bed together, or forgetting my wallet, or whatever it may be....It doesn't really matter as all that happened before Narah came along and I like those moments and need those moments as that is what a family is no matter the size, how many children you have, or if you have no children.....
Just as I finish writing this post with Narah tucked under my arm, Balun wakes up, slides in next to Narah and scoops his hand under his head......
My world
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