
The past few months have been a journey, a learning one.
I have been reading lots, talking to Craig lots and just absorbing it all in around me.

Often times we can occupy the space of I am right and you are wrong. Thinking this way seems to keep us from seeing our own responsibilities in matters.
I do believe we need a healthy regard for the difference between right and wrong and between others, between society, but what is a healthy regard?

Can blame or judgement be a sense of guilt.
Do we condemn in others what we are afraid to see in our self and....
Us versus them thinking is destructive to both sides and doesn't really get anyone anywhere.
It can be easy to judge others and find fault in them, it can even be enjoyable.

When we judge others are we simply making an observation and we believe that this action or thought will not affect us.
"Deepak Chopra" believes that judging others, our actions or thoughts does affect us. It is like throwing mud at someone. We might or might not hit them but we are definately tainted by the mud.

The Kabbalists believe that judging others draws the energy of judgement and lack into our lives.
They believe that the only reason we are being shown these flaws in others is to realise that they also exist within us.

Is this right?

Sometimes it can feel good to judge others, focus on others faults?

What do you think?

I think judging others we lose the tolerance, compassion and objectivity that is probably most required in that moment.
Maybe judging others/society is a means of elevating our own self importance and feelings of inadequacy.
I think we are trying to search for own uniqueness, which may lead to judgement.

It is a lot to think about.
I believe the best thing to do is never underestimate your ability, no one is more unique than you.
It can be hard but confront the issues in your life and tell the truth. Letting out what you believe, the truth, the you inside will make you unique.


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